Ellen Breen

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“Ellen Breen Neighborhood Park”

Ellen Breen (1885-1984) was an educator who devoted her life to children and teachers in a school setting. After earning her bachelor’s degree at Normal Teachers College, which eventually became San Diego State University, she spent 29 years of her 41 year career in the San Diego Unified School District as a Principal. Because she trained so many Administrators during this time, she was called the “Dean of Principals”. Breen Park was formerly home to the Ellen Breen Elementary School/Breen temporary primary school. The school was dedicated in 1976 in recognition of Ellen’s long career in child education. At the dedication, she said “you should ever love children or get out of education”. She recognized the beauty in children and was hopeful for what they could achieve. After the construction and opening of Hage Elementary School the school district closed Breen and sold the property to the City of San Diego for a future park site which is “Breen Neighborhood Park”.

The above history was taken from the plaque at Breen Park.