Mira Mesa Community Park Expansion - Phase 1

Park Summary

Mira Mesa Community Park expansion

Phase 1

If you look north from Gil Johnson Recreation Center you see an eleven acre, undeveloped piece of property that today is home to the Mira Mesa Little League (MMLL). This is the site of phase 1 of the Mira Mesa Community Park expansion. This phase of the project will include four new baseball fields (for the Little League), open space area, restrooms/snack bar building, walking trail around the perimeter, shade structure and traffic calming measures along New Salem including a new pedestrian walk way that will safely connect the old and new park areas. It will also include a monument sign which will highlight those Mira Mesans who have been honored as “Volunteer of the Year” for Mira Mesa (going back to 1984) and will direct you to a website so that you can discover why these folks were so honored.

Construction is underway with a likely completion date of Q1 2018.


  • Four baseball fields for Little League
  • Open Space Area
  • Restrooms/Snack Bar building
  • Walking Trail
  • Shade Structure
  • Traffic Calming/Pedestrian along New Salem St
  • “Volunteer of the Year” Monument Sign