Ghosts, Goblins, Creatures & Critters of Halloween
by Al RadickHalloween happenings at the Public Parks of Mira Mesa …..
Once again, on Halloween evening, the Ghost of Christa McAuliffe will be hosting her annual fairy shrimp boil for all ghosts at her park at the end of Winterwood Lane. Christa always enters her park through her private entrance from New Salem St. which is a narrow tunnel like path that is filled with shadows, spider webs and strange creatures after dark so it’s best not to try to follow her. At last year’s shrimp boil neighbors reported sighting the ghosts of Verne Goodwin, Orlando Vernacchia, Ned Baumer, Gil Johnson and others all enjoying boiled fairy shrimp dipped in a lemon butter sauce with chopped snail gizzards. It’s rumored that this year Christa was assisted in rounding up enough shrimp for the party by Joe Frichtel and Bruce Brown. Apparently Joe would chase the shrimp toward Bruce who would club them with his cane. Oh my, what a sight that must have been! The Ghost of Tim Allen will be patrolling Sandburg Park on the ghost cycle all night watching for vandals and mischief makers. He’s been known to sneak up on them on the silent white ghost cycle from the walk-in entrance from Montara Ave. Don’t challenge him, he’s fearless.
We have it on good authority that Orlando Vernacchia will not be driving the old gray Toyota pick-up truck this year and, in fact, has even given up his ghostly appearance in favor of fearsome spider persona! He even got in some spider practice on a guy in Australia. So if you see a black & yellow spider hanging around back away slowly and give Orlando plenty of room to spin his web.
Every Halloween there are several UFO sightings reported in the skies over Mira Mesa. Actually, they are glimpses of the Ghost Squadron led by Capt. Ned Baumer trying to find their base at Hourglass Field, seems the erroneous and varied signage is confusing to them. Apparently, this year, the signage has improved. Hopefully enough to help insure a safe landing. The squadron’s pilots are all Top Gun ghosts who volunteer to fly cover over all Mira Mesa parks every Halloween. Beware, the eyes of the U.S. Navy will be watching. And, is that an old Navy pilot trying to guide them in with a stick? Or maybe it’s a cane he’s using. Hmmmm.
At Mesa Viking Park the ghosts of the Legendary Vikings of old can be seen entering their park through their private entrance from Camarosa Circle, another tunnel like entrance filled with large spiders and giant worms on Halloween night. Just observe, don’t interfere, they’ve spent the entire last year sharpening their swords.
At the old principal’s park, the ghost of Ellen Breen will be keeping an eye out for excessive celebrants, a sharp rap on the knuckles with a ruler from the principal has been know to happen. And, Orlando has offered her the use of his old Toyota pick up truck to help corral some of the “wild things” if necessary.
If your planning any tomfoolery this Halloween be especially alert for the ghost of Bill Maddox, Capt. William T. Maddox, USMC. It’s likely that he’ll get to his park through the goat path that comes up from Rattlesnake Canyon. Unfortunately, he may get lost as he’s never been to Mira Mesa or even San Diego before. As in previous years he’s bringing reinforcements, an entire platoon of ghost dogs from the tattered old leash free dog park and they’re very unhappy about the condition of their park. Should you see a ghost rider on a white horse with saber drawn leading a pack of howling ghost dogs be scared, be very scared!
Can you hear the water splashing after dark? That will be the ghost of Ned Baumer doing laps at his Aquatic Complex at Hourglass Field Community Park. Don’t call the cops, Ned will simply vanish and embarrass you to the cops who might accuse you of …… well, you know.
And, don’t mess with the Senior Center, don’t even think about it. The ghost of Verne Goodwin will be watching over HIS Senior Center on the lookout for any flying broom stick riders in the area.
Recently a bonfire was reported near Walker Park. It was found to be cooking a large cauldron of bubbling witches brew including chicken feet and animal entrails. SDFD was called and when the guys from Engine 44 responded they found a large stirring spoon and saw several Broom Stick flyers hastily heading in the direction of the Mesa Village complex. Hmmm! Maybe after the spoon is dusted for prints…….. The ghost of the patriarch of all Mira Mesa Parks, Gil Johnson, will, once again, be keeping a close watch on all goings on, especially at HIS Recreation Center in Mira Mesa Community Park.
So celebrate safely and sanely and don’t get Gil’s ghost upset. He may react very inappropriately. He might even contact Orlando’s Spider for help. — end —