What is the Mira Mesa Recreation Council?

The Mira Mesa Recreation Council is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation dedicated to supporting recreational activities in the community of Mira Mesa, California and increasing the civic participation and awareness in Mira Mesa.
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Mira Mesa Recreation News

Chairman’s Message – December 2017

Chairman’s 2017 Year End Message 2017 has been a busy year for the Mira Mesa Recreation Council. - Held five Workshops • Walker/Wangenheim Joint Use – 2 • Salk/Maddox Neighborhood Park/Joint Use – 2 • Canyon Hills Resource Park – 1 - Approved three GDP’s and forwarded them to the Park and Recreation Board • Walker/Wangenheim Joint Use Park • Salk/Maddox Neighborhood Park/Joint Use • Resource Park in Canyon Hills Open Space - Got a briefing from the City Attorneys Office on the “Brown Act” -...

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Proposed Park Amenities

For your consideration, a few EXCITING NEW PARK AMENITIES by Al Radick October 2017 The following are a few amenities that would truly set the parks of Mira Mesa apart from most others. A> An elevated large gazebo similar to the one at Old Poway Park. One that is... • Large enough to host a performance by the MMHS Band. • Large enough to host a community dance for adults. • Large enough for a theatrical performance. My wife and I once saw a performance in Poway by the San Diego County Fire...

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