What is the Mira Mesa Recreation Council?

The Mira Mesa Recreation Council is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation dedicated to supporting recreational activities in the community of Mira Mesa, California and increasing the civic participation and awareness in Mira Mesa.
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Mira Mesa Recreation News

Chairman’s Message – July 2017

Second half of the Year As we approach Summer I thought this might be a good time to let everyone know what is in store for the second half of 2017. Below I have listed the upcoming meeting dates, their location as well as the main topic on the agenda at each meeting. So here we go: July – No meeting. Have a great vacation!! August 8th – We will be back at Lopez Ridge Neighborhood Park for the final workshop and vote on the Salk/Maddox Park GDP. Councilman Cate will also be there to give us an...

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