What is the Mira Mesa Recreation Council?

The Mira Mesa Recreation Council is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation dedicated to supporting recreational activities in the community of Mira Mesa, California and increasing the civic participation and awareness in Mira Mesa.
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Mira Mesa Recreation News

Chairman’s Message – March 2017

Recreation in Mira Mesa By Bruce Brown Over the course of the last two years the Mira Mesa Recreation Council has devoted much of its time and effort to designing future parks within Mira Mesa. This important work will continue; but, I would like to take time in this Spring Chairman’s report to highlight something really wonderful that our local Park and Recreation staff puts together every quarter – the programs that can be found at all of our recreation facilities. Hourglass Field Community...

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Chairman’s Message – January 2017

Chairman's Report by Bruce G. Brown What does 2017 have in store for the MMRC? The most important role the Mira Mesa Recreation Council (MMRC) has is to serve as a liaison between the City of San Diego and the Community of Mira Mesa and help make sure our community has enough park space for our growing population. With that in mind 2017 should be a very busy year. On January 10, 2017 at 7:00 PM the Recreation Council will be hosting the first workshop for the Wangenheim Joint use and Walker...

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