What is the Mira Mesa Recreation Council?

The Mira Mesa Recreation Council is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation dedicated to supporting recreational activities in the community of Mira Mesa, California and increasing the civic participation and awareness in Mira Mesa.
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Mira Mesa Recreation News

Mira Mesa Recreation Council Meeting – March 8, 2016

The March 8th meeting of the MMRC is shaping up be another one of the more important meetings we've had in some time. Designers, architects, and other representatives from the City of San Diego will be in attendance for a kick-off discussion about constructing and merging the new Salk Joint Use Park with our Maddox Neighborhood Park. We look forward to seeing you at the meeting and be advised that the meeting may well run a little longer than usual. Link to Maddox Neighborhood Park...

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FUTURE PARKS IN MIRA MESA – by Bruce Brown & Al Radick

Have you ever been to your local park with the family and wondered why the heck did they do/not do that? Or maybe you just know you had a better idea, but who will listen to you? WE WILL !! In the coming months the Mira Mesa Recreation Council will be hosting work shops to brainstorm ideas with the city's park planners for several new parks that are coming to Mira Mesa in the next few years. These park projects are fully funded, all that's needed, in addition to your input, is design and...

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Mira Mesa Little League Fund Raiser at Fuddruckers – Feb 16

We are excited to announce the annual Mira Mesa Little League fundraiser at Fuddruckers in Mira Mesa. The fundraiser runs from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm. Come on out and enjoy a famous Fuddruckers burger and your favorite beverage and help support a great cause. This is a major fundraiser for Mira Mesa Little League as Fuddruckers generously donates a significant percentage of sales to Mira Mesa Little League. Drop by to meet the players and coaches and learn more about the League. Hope to see you...

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