What is the Mira Mesa Recreation Council?

The Mira Mesa Recreation Council is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation dedicated to supporting recreational activities in the community of Mira Mesa, California and increasing the civic participation and awareness in Mira Mesa.
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Mira Mesa Recreation News

Little League Baseball is Back! – by Greg Goonan

Little League baseball is back in Mira Mesa! Saturday, February 20, 2016 is the Opening Day for the 2016 season of Mira Mesa Little League. The festivities start at 10:00 am at the baseball fields at the Gil Johnson Recreation Center on New Salem Street. We will start with our traditional parade and line-up of the teams, followed by the singing of the National Anthem and Take Me Out To The Ballgame by local Mira Mesa youths. We then will have a league player and parent recite the Little League...

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GIRLS KNOW BEST …….. REALLY! – by Al Radick

In August of 2013 a half dozen or so Girl Scouts from Mira Mesa Troop 8450 came to our Recreation Council meeting with an idea. They wanted to hold a "Dog Event" at the Off-Leash Dog Park at Maddox Neighborhood Park the following October. They would use the proceeds to purchase an outdoor bulletin board to be installed next to the entrance to the off-leash park. How could we say no to Girl Scouts, they sell us all those great cookies every year. Well, son-of-a-gun, the event was a big success...

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THE VOICE – by Al Radick

San Diego is now home to the U.S. Navy's "Big Stick", the USS Theodore Roosevelt. Mira Mesa is home to "The Voice". They are similar because both the aircraft carrier and The Voice are big and powerful. The voice is usually calm, cool and well modulated but if you watch closely you can see an occasional subtle rolling of the eyes or an all but imperceptible shaking of the head. Then, when all others seem to loose their common sense and reasoning, the Voice speaks, normalcy is restored and the...

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Holiday Time in Mira Mesa – by Al Radick

Well, it's that time of the year, Santa Claus will be flying by soon. There are those who would say I should start this piece with "Seasons Greetings" or "Happy Holidays". But that would not be me, so, light your candles and decorate your homes cuz it's gonna be a "MERRY CHRISTMAS", "HAPPY CHANUKAH" and "JOYFUL KWANZAA", which ever is appropriate for you and your family. I wish you all the very very best and be sure to have a very "HAPPY NEW YEAR". Here in Mira Mesa it may be a difficult time...

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