What is the Mira Mesa Recreation Council?

The Mira Mesa Recreation Council is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation dedicated to supporting recreational activities in the community of Mira Mesa, California and increasing the civic participation and awareness in Mira Mesa.
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Mira Mesa Recreation News

Free Toastmasters Youth Leadership Program

Join Toastmasters for a FREE Youth Leadership Program, February 7 - April 11 on Thursday evenings at Lopez Ridge. Open to students in 5th-12th grade. Become a better communicator, listener and leader. Increase self-confidence and organizational skills. Have fun with friends.

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Free Health Workshop: Practical Tips to Lose Weight and Keep it Off

Sharp Heath Care presents a free workshop on weight loss! January 24 at Lopez Ridge. Maintaining a healthy weight is good for your overall health and for preventing and controlling diseases and other chronic conditions. Attend a free health workshop to learn strategies for successful long-term weight management.

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