March 6, 2025 Update:

Mira Mesa Community Park Phase II Improvements:

The installation of structural steel and CMU at the aquatic building is ongoing, along with the renovation of the existing recreation center. The pool has begun excavating, and the installation of the basketball hoops is in progress.

 Salk Neighborhood Park Joint Use Development:

Construction is approximately 80% complete. Oval Park: construction of irrigation mainline and manifolds have been completed; installing irrigation laterals and pulling wires. Grading and forming mow curbs and sidewalks. Grading and making locations for butterfly and caterpillar footings. And ongoing work on the human sundial. Comfort Station: roof framing and glulam’s, rough electrical for lighting, fiberboard cement soffit. Rectangular Park: irrigation laterals, grade for mow curbs, set forms for mow curbs, grade DG pathway, and grade turf area. Parking Lot: install light poles. Shade Structure: Pending legal issues. With the plan establishment period substantial completion is projected for Summer 2025.

Wangenheim Neighborhood Park Joint Use Facility:

The project is about 99.8% complete. The turf over the north area (Walker Park) has been replaced and is currently under a plant establishment period. Following turf establishment, the stormwater facilities need to be inspected for final acceptance, which is projected to be in the spring of 2025.

February 12, 2025 Update:

 Mira Mesa Community Park Phase II Improvements:

 Installation of exterior site lighting, concrete placement for the aquatic building slab and footings, and installation of an underground stormwater retention system are underway. Additionally, work has commenced on installing structural steel at the aquatic building. Renovation at the existing recreation center is ongoing.

City website for the Mira Mesa Community Park update:

Salk Neighborhood Park Joint Use Development:

Construction is approximately 80% complete with ongoing work in Oval Field: Install light poles, install remaining gate valves, place concrete for sidewalk, pressure test, install main line irrigation and manifold, human sundial. Rectangular Park: pressure test and install main line irrigation and manifold. Comfort Station: install structural steel columns, roof framing and glulam beams, and install roofing. Maddox Park: install handrail at stairs and ramp. Substantial completion is projected for June 2025.

There is a legal issue related to the contractor’s procurement of shade structures. CMFE, P&R, and E&CP are planning to meet to assess whether to remove the shade structures from the project scope to ensure its completion. If removed, the shade structures will be installed later.

 Wangenheim Neighborhood Park Joint Use Facility:

The project is about 99.8% complete. The turf over the north area (Walker Park) has been replaced and is currently under a plant establishment period. Project completion date is April of 2025.

January 9, 2025 Update:

Mira Mesa Community Park Phase II Improvements:

Installation of exterior site lighting, concrete placement for the aquatic building slab and footings, and installation of an underground stormwater retention system are underway. Additionally, work has commenced on renovating the existing recreation center.

City website for the Mira Mesa Community Park update:

Salk Neighborhood Park Joint Use Development:

Construction is approximately 79% complete. Due to the ongoing legal issues related to the shade structure procurement by the contractor, limited construction is happening at the site, including Grading and forming sundial at Oval Field. Comfort Station: Grouting 3rd lift of CMU. Oval Field: Install irrigation mainline and complete surface drainage at the butterfly area. Substantial completion is projected for June 2025.

There is a delay with the lead time and DSA review of the shade structure and the retaining walls at Maddox Park and Dog Park, among other unforeseen conditions.  This pushes the overall construction completion into the spring, with the Plant Establishment Period/Park Opening scheduled in late spring of 2025.

Wangenheim Neighborhood Park Joint Use Facility:

The project is about 99.6% complete. The turf over the north area (Walker Park) has been replaced and is currently under a plant establishment period. Following turf establishment, the stormwater facilities need to be inspected for final acceptance, which is projected to be in the spring of 2025.

December 2, 2024 Update:

Mira Mesa Community Park Phase II:

  • Installing underground mechanical, electrical, and plumbing improvements for future aquatic complex building.
  • Completing excavation/grading activity for future all-wheels plaza.
  • Installing storm drain improvements throughout park.
  • Vertical construction for aquatic complex buildings will begin in the near future.

Salk Park:

There’s limited construction at the site due to 3 main factors:

  1. Legal issue regarding the shade structures
  2. Design clarification and acceptance needed for the surface drainage at butterfly area
  3. Landscape and irrigation and a challenge with a subcontractor

Current Construction Activities include the following

  • Continued effort in hauling excess soil and cobbles offsite
  • Continued constructing CMU walls and ramp between Maddox Park and Salk Park
  • Installing park entrance wall footings and light pole bases
  • Installing surface drainage at exercise area

Remaining work in on hold for the following reasons:

  • Shade structures and ongoing legal issues between vendors
  • Substitution request for an alternative subcontractor to perform landscape and irrigation work due to a challenge with a subcontractor
  • Structural design clarifications at comfort station in need of DSA approval as this is a Joint Use Project
  • Design clarification regarding surface drainage at butterfly area. We are also awaiting EPS and Stormwater approval

Wangenheim Neighborhood Park Joint Use Facility:

The project is about 99.5% complete. The turf over the north area (Walker Park) needs to be replaced, and the team needs to furnish and deliver a turf utility vehicle requested by the asset owner. Other minor tasks (punch-list items) also remain. Substantial completion is projected for spring 2025.

November 4, 2024 Update:

Mira Mesa Community Park Phase II Improvements:

Construction Progress Update: Rough grading, compaction, and storm drain work on the Senior Center parking lot are underway; site utilities work, and DSD inspections are ongoing, along with coordination with SDG&E, AT&T, and the Public Art Element. For more details, please see the attached report covering work completed from September 20 to October 20.

Salk Neighborhood Park Joint Use Development:

Construction is approximately 79% complete, with ongoing work to include biological surveying of noise levels and continuing work on the Maddox Park: upper CMU retaining walls, Parking Lot: subbase for pavers. Oval Park: irrigation main. Comfort Station: structural steel, third CMU lift.

Several challenges are delaying the construction at Salk Park, and the site has been inactive since Oct. 17. Our team is currently working to resolve these challenges.

  • The contractor’s procurement of the shade structure has been legally challenged by a third party due to alleged copyright violations that need to be cleared.
  • The contractor is seeking to substitute a non-performing subcontractor.
  • A design change related to surface drainage at Oval Field is being worked on.
  • Permit approvals. Because this is a Division of the State Architect (DSA)- permitted, joint-use project, all designs need DSA approval. Our team was waiting for the DSA to approve a wall at Maddox Park, and they recently received approval. Work on the wall is expected to resume soon.  

The plant establishment period/park opening is scheduled for late spring 2025.

Wangenheim Neighborhood Park Joint Use Facility:

Sports Fields: substantially completed on July 2nd. Comfort Station: Substantially completed on September 4th. Walker Neighborhood Park: construction continues at the site and will be completed in early 2025. All shade fabric sails are installed. Ongoing work to include walker park irrigation and hydroseeding for grass.

The Plant Establishment Period/Walker Park Opening scheduled in late spring of 2025.

October 7, 2024 Update:

Mira Mesa Community Park Phase II Improvements:

PCL Construction Services has installed temporary water and power for construction offices and facilities. Tree removals, as well as the demolition of existing park sidewalks, lighting fixtures, and the basketball court, have been completed. The contractor is currently working on rough grading of the site. The groundbreaking ceremony, held on September 25th, was a success with the Mayor, former and current Council Members for District 6, several community leaders, media representatives, and City staff in attendance.

Salk Neighborhood Park Joint Use Development:

Construction is approximately 79% complete, with ongoing work to include biological surveying of noise levels and as work on the overall park.  Current work on the Maddox Park site includes upper CMU retaining walls, parking lot paving and the subbase for fire lane pavers. Current work on the “Oval Park” site includes irrigation mainline trenching and installation and forming of mow curbs on the north side. Current work on the comfort station includes placement of structural steel, welding of structural rebar, and the third CMU lift.

There has been numerous delays including lead time and DSA review of the shade structure and the retaining walls at Maddox Park and Dog Park, last season’s rain and other unforeseen conditions.  This pushes the overall construction completion into the winter, with the Plant Establishment Period/Park Opening scheduled in late spring of 2025.

Wangenheim Neighborhood Park Joint Use Facility:

The Sports Fields were substantially completed on July 2nd– and are currently in use. The comfort station was substantially completed on September 4th and is currently in use. On the Walker Neighborhood Park site construction continues and will be completed in early 2025.  The shade fabric sails have been installed and ongoing work includes clean up and fine grading, irrigation and eventually hydroseeding of the turf area.

September 10, 2024 Update:

Mira Mesa Community Park Phase II Improvements:

The Notice to Proceed (NTP) was issued on August 7th, and construction began on August 16th. Site perimeter fencing as well as site perimeter BMPs have been installed, and both safety signage and project signs are installed. Currently, PCL Construction Services is in the process of setting up temporary water and power for construction offices and facilities. Over the next couple of weeks, Contractor plans to complete necessary tree removals as well as demolition of existing park sidewalks, lighting fixtures, and basketball court. City staff currently coordinating with the Mayor’s office to organize a groundbreaking ceremony, tentatively scheduled for September 25th.

Salk Neighborhood Park Joint Use Development:

Construction is approximately 78% complete, with ongoing work to include biological surveying of noise levels and continuing work on the Maddox Park: upper CMU retaining walls, Parking Lot: subbase for pavers. Oval Park: underground electric, test main line, CMU at seat walls. Comfort Station: structural steel, third CMU lift.

There is a delay with the lead time and DSA review of the shade structure and the retaining walls at Maddox Park and Dog Park, among other unforeseen conditions.  This pushes the overall construction completion into the winter, with the Plant Establishment Period/Park Opening scheduled in late spring of 2025.

Wangenheim Neighborhood Park Joint Use Facility:

Sports Fields: substantially completed on July 2nd. Comfort Station: Substantially completed on September 4th. Walker Neighborhood Park: construction continues at the site and will be completed in early 2025. The contractor poured concrete for shade structure caissons, two out of three shade fabric sails were installed, and the third shade fabric sail will be installed on September 13th.

The construction completion with the Plant Establishment Period and park opening in early spring 2025.

August 9, 2024 Update:

Mira Mesa Community Park Phase II Improvements:

On Monday, July 15th, the City design team conducted a pre-pre-construction meeting to facilitate the transition of the project from the design team to the construction team. This meeting did not include the contractor. On Wednesday, July 31st, the City construction team held the official pre-construction meeting with the awarded contractor, PCL Construction Services. City staff is currently in the process of issuing the Notice to Proceed, which will allow the contractor to commence construction on August 19th.

Salk Neighborhood Park Joint Use Development:

Construction is approximately 75% complete, with ongoing work to include biological surveying of noise levels and continuing work on the Maddox Park: CMU retaining wall footings, and upper CMU retaining walls. Parking Lot: asphalt repair. Oval Park: auger for light pole bases -North, irrigation main and laterals, form for seat wall footings, concrete for seat wall footing and light poles. Comfort Station: structural steel, third CMU lift, glulam beams.

There is a delay with the lead time and DSA review of the shade structure and the retaining walls at Maddox Park and Dog Park, among other unforeseen conditions.  This pushes the overall construction completion into the winter, with the Plant Establishment Period/Park Opening scheduled in late spring of 2025.

Wangenheim Neighborhood Park Joint Use Facility:

Sports Fields: substantially completed in early July. P&R plans to open the field on August 12th after the site is fertilized this week. Walker Neighborhood Park: construction continues at the site and will be completed in early 2025. Today the contractor is pouring concrete for shade structure caissons.

The Comfort Stations is ready for a final walk through that was scheduled for Wed 8/7/2024. It will be turned over to Park & Rec this Friday 8/9/2024.

July 10, 2024 Update:

Mira Mesa Community Park Phase II Improvements:

On Monday, June 3rd, the City Council unanimously approved the award of the construction contract for the Mira Mesa Community Park Phase II Improvements project to PCL Construction Services. The contract amount is $43,308,127.00. City Staff is actively working to ensure that the contract will be fully awarded this summer.

Salk Neighborhood Park Joint Use Development:

Construction is approximately 75% complete, with ongoing work to include biological surveying of noise levels and continuing work on the Maddox Park: CMU retaining wall footings, auger light pole footing, upper CMU footing inspection, rebar for concrete footing, rebar inspection, place concrete footing and light pole footing, upper CMU retaining walls, grout and inspection, install drainage system (filter fabric), form and place sidewalk. Parking Lot: relocate all site furnishing. Oval Park: grading, screen material for walkways, auger for light pole bases at north side, and underground electrical at north side. Rectangular Park: Compaction test waterline. Comfort Station: second CMU lift, structural steel, glulam beams, and roof framing and decking.

This project is anticipated to be completed in the Fall of 2024

Wangenheim Neighborhood Park Joint Use Facility:

Construction continues at the site, with the estimated project completion currently at 99.9%. Ongoing work currently includes the comfort station: the contractor is working on minor punch list items. Sports Fields: the plant establishment period was completed on 6/28/2024. Substantial completion for the sports field was issued on 7/2/2024.

Walker site: will be completed in late summer of 2024.

June 17, 2024 Update:

Mira Mesa Community Park Phase 2 Improvements:

On Monday, June 3rd, the City Council unanimously approved the award of the construction contract for the Mira Mesa Community Park Phase II Improvements project to PCL Construction Services. The contract amount is $43,308,127.00. City Staff is actively working to ensure that the contract will be fully awarded this summer.

Salk Neighborhood Park Joint Use Development:

Construction is approximately 72% complete, with ongoing work to include biological surveying of noise levels and continuing work on the Maddox Park: irrigation pressure testing, upper CMU retaining wall. Parking Lot: Place asphalt base, place first course of asphalt. Oval Park: Bio basin irrigation. Rectangular Park: Compaction test waterline. Dog Park: Irrigation trenching, main and lateral lines.

This project is anticipated to be completed in the Fall of 2024 

Wangenheim Neighborhood Park Joint Use Facility:

Construction continues at the site, with the estimated project completion currently at 99.9%.  Ongoing work currently includes comfort station: painting. Sports Fields: recycling water final inspection.  Plants and Trees inspection. The joint-use area turf establishment period is anticipated to be completed in the spring of 2024, and the Walker site will be completed in late spring/early summer of 2024.

May 2, 2024 Update:

Mira Mesa Community Park Phase II Improvements:

The Mira Mesa Community Park Phase II Improvements project was re-advertised on January 10, 2024; bids were opened on March 14, 2024. PCL Construction Services was determined to be the apparent low-responsive bidder. The Notice of Intent (NOI) to award was issued and sent to the contractor on March 25th, 2024. City staff is currently working on the Council Action to award this contract. We estimate the contract will be fully awarded by the Summer or early Fall of 2024. 

Salk Neighborhood Park Joint Use Development:

Construction is approximately 70% complete, with ongoing work to include biological surveying of noise levels and continuing work on the Maddox Park: irrigation, upper CMU retaining wall, and upper CMU footing inspection. Parking Lot: install main electrical line conduit, layout form island, and concrete curb. Oval Park: place concrete for seat wall footing. Rectangular Park: compaction test waterline.

This project is anticipated to be completed in the Fall of 2024 

Wangenheim Neighborhood Park Joint Use Facility:

Construction continues at the site, with the estimated project completion currently at 97%.  Ongoing work currently includes grade and compact baseball filed material, condition infield and install equipment, dog/topsoil strip north of comfort station, DG path, AC paving, comfort station soffits, comfort station HVAC, comfort extension exterior furnishing, shade structure at Walker Neighborhood Park.  The joint-use area turf establishment period is anticipated to be completed in the spring of 2024, and the Walker site will be completed in late spring/early summer of 2024.

April 16, 2024 Update:

Mira Mesa Community Park Phase II Improvements:

The project was re-advertised on Planet Bids January 10th,  after the first bid was unsuccessful due to two non-responsive bidders not meeting EOC requirements.

The Mira Mesa Community Park Phase II Improvements project was advertised on January 10, 2024; bids were opened on March 14, 2024. PCL Construction Services was determined to be the apparent low-responsive bidder. The Notice of Intent (NOI) to award was issued and sent to the contractor on March 25th, 2024. City staff is currently working on the Council Action to award this contract. We estimate the contract will be fully awarded by the Summer or early Fall of 2024.

Salk Neighborhood Park Joint Use Development:

Construction is approximately 70% complete, with ongoing work to include biological surveying of noise levels and continuing work on the Maddox Park: CMU retaining wall, grout inspection, and stairways. Parking Lot: electrical underground (light fixture conduit), install main electrical line conduit, irrigation, layout form island, and concrete curb. Oval Park: export material – cobblestone, bio-retention – install rock. Rectangular Park: Bottom of trench inspection, base rock, install sewer, inspection for sewer line, install waterline, inspection for waterline, backfill sewer line and waterline, backfill and compaction test.

This project is anticipated to be completed in the Spring of 2024.

Wangenheim Neighborhood Park Joint Use Facility:

Construction continues at the site, with the estimated project completion currently at 95%.  Ongoing work currently includes electrical and plumbing at 98% completion, furnishing at 99% completion at the comfort station, sod placement, and planting material installation completed.  The joint-use area turf establishment period is anticipated to be completed in the spring of 2024, and the Walker site will be completed in late spring/early summer of 2024.

March 18, 2024 Update:

Mira Mesa Community Park Phase II Improvements:

Bid opening was March 14, and bids are being reviewed for efficacy.

Salk Neighborhood Park Joint Use Development:
Construction is approximately 70% complete, with ongoing work to include biological surveying of noise levels and continuing work on the Maddox Park: auger for light pole bases, light pole bases, place light poles, CMU retaining walls. Rectangular Park: excavate for sewer, base rock for sewer, install sewer, backfill sewer, auger for place light poles, sidewalk, light poles, and place light poles. Comfort Station: erect masonry walls, structural steel. This project is anticipated to be completed in the Spring of 2024.

Wangenheim Neighborhood Park Joint Use Facility:
Construction continues at the site, with the estimated project completion currently at 95%. Ongoing work currently includes electrical and plumbing at 98% completion, furnishing at 95% completion at the comfort station, sod placement, and planting material. The joint-use area turf establishment period is anticipated to be completed in the spring of 2024, and the Walker site will be completed in late spring/early summer of 2024.

February 13, 2024 status report on the 3 Mira Mesa projects that are in progress:

Mira Mesa Community Park Phase II Improvements:

The project was re-advertised on Planet Bids January 10th,  after the first bid was unsuccessful due to two non-responsive bidders not meeting EOC requirements.

In response to the feedback received and to accommodate the concerns raised by several bidders, the bid opening date has been extended and rescheduled to March 7, 2024. This adjustment was made following requests from multiple bidders who expressed the need for additional time to prepare their proposals adequately, citing the substantial scope of the project.

Salk Neighborhood Park Joint Use Development:

Construction is approximately 68% complete, with ongoing work to include biological surveying of noise levels and continuing work on the parking lot area: installing sewer and storm drain, sidewalk, and concrete curb. Maddox Park: auger for light pole bases, light pole bases, place light poles, shade structure footings, and CMU retaining walls. Rectangular Park: base rock for sewer, install sewer, place light poles. Comfort Station: Erect masonry walls. This project is anticipated to be completed in Spring of 2024.

Wangenheim Neighborhood Park Joint Use Facility:

Construction continues at the site, with the estimated project completion currently at 95%.  Ongoing work currently includes electrical and plumbing at 97% completion, furnishing at 90% completion at the comfort station, topsoil testing and results, sod placement, and planting material.  The joint-use area turf establishment period is anticipated to be completed in the spring of 2024, and the Walker site will be completed in late spring/early summer of 2024.

These updates are from Jason Grani P.E., Interim Deputy Director, Engineering & Capital Projects Department, Architectural Engineering & Parks

Image: Raven assists with construction of Salk Park.